Dangerous Behavior at Fez Municipal Pool Raises Concerns After Opening to the Public

The municipal swimming pool in the city of Fez has recently witnessed controversial developments. After a decision to prevent community associations from using it, the pool was opened to the general public. The entrance fee was set at ten dirhams per person, in a move aimed at making the facility accessible to all segments of society.

However, this decision, initially welcomed by many, quickly raised serious concerns due to dangerous behaviors that began to emerge at the pool. Some teenagers have been observed engaging in reckless and hazardous acts, including climbing onto the pool’s roof and jumping into the water without any supervision or oversight.

These practices have caused great concern among officials and citizens alike, given the real danger they pose to the safety of these teenagers and other pool users. They also highlight the absence of adequate security measures and supervision at the facility.

A number of local activists and parents have called on the relevant authorities to intervene urgently to put an end to these dangerous practices, demanding stricter monitoring and the imposition of stringent security measures to ensure the safety of all pool users.

This situation raises questions about the effectiveness of the recent decision to open the pool to the public without adequate controls, and whether it is necessary to reconsider the management mechanisms of this important public facility.

Pending decisive action by the responsible authorities, citizens in Fez remain apprehensive about the possibility of unfortunate accidents that may result from these reckless behaviors, hoping for a swift solution that ensures continued access to the pool in a safe and organized environment.

This incident underscores the challenges of balancing public access to recreational facilities with necessary safety measures, highlighting the need for comprehensive management strategies in public spaces.

About محمد الفاسي