Positive Outcomes from Dialogue Between Union and Taza Municipal Council Presidency

In a positive development for relations between unions and local administration, the local branch of the National Association of Territorial Communities and Delegated Management Employees, affiliated with the Moroccan Labor Union in Taza, held a fruitful dialogue session with the city’s Municipal Council President.

This meeting, which took place on the evening of Thursday, July 18, 2024, in the presence of the acting Director General of Services, followed the union’s decision to engage in a series of protest actions.

The dialogue resulted in several important commitments, including:

  1. Immediate payment of overtime dues to all employees upon completion of administrative procedures.
  2. Formation of a joint committee to conduct a comprehensive inventory of work premises and identify needs.
  3. Upgrading office equipment, especially electronic devices, and providing air conditioning where necessary.
  4. Fair redistribution of vehicles among departments and services.
  5. Renovation and preparation of the second administrative annex building during next October.
  6. Initiation of renovations for the Human Resources and Technical Affairs department premises.
  7. Construction of independent administrative annexes in various areas of the city.

The union expressed satisfaction with the positive atmosphere that prevailed during the dialogue session, announcing the suspension of its protest program while affirming its readiness to continue the struggle in defense of the rights and gains of municipal workers if necessary.

This development serves as a positive model for social dialogue at the local level and underscores the importance of negotiation in resolving labor disputes and improving working conditions in the public sector.

About محمد الفاسي