Traders at Bensoda Weekly Market Demand Infrastructure Improvements

Fez – Sources from within the weekly market in Bensoda, Fez, report that traders are suffering from difficult working conditions due to the poor state of the market’s infrastructure. Fez News received a letter from the concerned traders detailing their daily struggles.

In their letter, the traders explained that the main problem is the abundance of dust and soil unsuitable for conducting business. The accompanying photos show the market’s dire condition, with waste and dirt spread everywhere, creating an unhealthy work environment unsuitable for buying and selling.

The traders are calling on local authorities to intervene urgently to improve the market’s condition. Their primary demand is to equip the market with “tufna,” a layer of gravel and cement that helps stabilize the soil and reduce dust spread.

One trader, who preferred to remain anonymous, stated, “We are working in extremely difficult conditions. The dust contaminates our goods and affects our health and that of our customers. We need an urgent solution to this problem.”

Local authorities have not yet issued an official comment regarding these complaints. The traders hope that this appeal will lead to swift action to improve working conditions in the Bensoda weekly market.

It’s worth noting that improving the infrastructure of local markets is crucial to ensure the safety of both traders and shoppers, as well as to boost economic activity in the area.

The images provided show a stark contrast between the surrounding buildings and the market area. The first image depicts a bare, dusty plot of land strewn with debris, with multi-story buildings visible in the background. The second image shows a makeshift market setup with tents and vehicles, but the ground remains unpaved and littered with trash.

These visual elements underscore the traders’ concerns about the lack of proper infrastructure and the need for immediate improvements to create a more suitable environment for commerce.

About محمد الفاسي