A serious transgression: This is why local authorities in Fez have backed away from supporting camps and associations

In a recent report, serious irregularities were revealed in the provision of support to civil associations in some districts of the Fez Community, as audits showed that some districts provided in-kind support to associations during the period from 2018 to 2023 without following the applicable legal procedures, which included sports supplies, school kits, and the rental of buses to transport children to summer camps.

The observations indicated that Organisational Law No. 113.14 prevents the provinces from providing support to associations except after the approval of the Community Council, which was not complied with, in addition, it was revealed that there were demand bonds concluded by the provinces without formal agreements with the Community, which constitutes a clear violation of legal procedures.

Article 231 of the same law stipulates that the provincial council must cooperate with the community council in any activity aimed at promoting private interests, especially programmes for children, women and the disabled, but the report noted that some provinces provided support individually and without coordination with the community.

These irregularities prompted Fez’s territorial communities to withdraw support for camps and associations, with the aim of reviewing and organising the process and ensuring full compliance with laws and procedures.

This decision comes as part of efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in the provision of support and ensure that it reaches its beneficiaries in a fair and effective manner.

Source : Fez News Media

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