Taza’s sand quarries: Urgent human rights demands for an end to indiscriminate sand quarrying in the outskirts of Taza

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights (AMDH) in Taza, in a statement, emphasized the need to put an end to the indiscriminate management of sand quarries in the region, calling for environmental impact studies and assessing their danger to public health and the safety of the local population.

The association pointed to the need to activate regular and accurate monitoring of the exploitation of quarries, and to apply administrative and criminal penalties to quarry owners who do not comply with the laws and regulations in force.

The statement followed a tragic incident that took place last Monday, in which a person died under the rubble of a quarry in Oued Amlil, and another person was hospitalized with serious injuries.

The association expressed its deep concern about this incident and the big questions about how quarries are exploited and adhere to the laws and regulations related to them.

The association emphasized that this death is the responsibility of all concerned parties, from quarry owners to local authorities and monitoring committees, in accordance with the laws in force.

The association concluded by calling for urgent and effective measures to ensure the safety of quarries and reduce the risks to workers and neighboring residents, stressing the need to respect the environment and public safety in all mining activities in the region.

This statement comes within the framework of the association’s efforts to contribute to achieving sustainable development and protecting human rights in areas exposed to environmental and health risks.

Source : Fes News Media

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