Ghafsay : An environmental and health disaster threatens the residents of Oued El Makhazine subdivision due to sewage leakage

Earlier this week, local sources learned that the residents of the Oued Makhazine subdivision in Ghafsay, Taounat region, especially those living near the pumping station of the hot valley, are suffering from a serious environmental and health disaster, represented by the spread of sewage water in the fields surrounding their homes.

The residents suffer from the catastrophic repercussions of this issue, which threatens the spread of diseases and epidemics, especially with the high temperatures, in addition to the foul odors and harmful insects that disturb their comfort and hinder their daily life.

This disaster is also causing serious damage to the environment, through the contamination of soil and groundwater, which threatens the integrity and sustainability of the ecosystem in the region.

According to the same sources, the residents have appealed to the concerned authorities to intervene urgently to stop this disaster, but to no avail, which has exacerbated their suffering and worsened their living and health conditions.

The residents of Oued Makhazine subdivision demand their right to a healthy environment free of risks, and emphasize the need to take urgent steps to address this disaster, starting from repairing and expanding the sewage network, to taking preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of such crises in the future.

Source : Fez News Media

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