Baitas: Over One Million Employees Benefited from Salary Increases

In an important press statement, Mustapha Baitas, the Minister Delegate in charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, revealed new details about the results of social dialogue in Morocco. Following the government council meeting on Thursday, Baitas announced that the number of beneficiaries from salary increases will reach 1.127 million employees, with a total cost of 45 billion dirhams by 2026.

The Minister explained that this increase in salaries will lead to a gradual rise in the wage bill annually. He also pointed out that the minimum net monthly salary in the public sector has increased from 3,000 to 4,500 dirhams, representing a 50% increase.

The results of the social dialogue also include the elimination of scale 7 for employees belonging to the categories of administrative assistants and technical assistants, a revision of income tax, an increase in the promotion quota within grades, and the adoption of several measures benefiting education sector employees.

Baitas emphasized that these governmental efforts stem from its conviction that the social state project is integrated, targeting vulnerable groups benefiting from the health coverage system and social assistance, as well as the category of civil servants and employees.

The Minister stressed that the results of the social dialogue reflect the government’s willingness to strengthen economic and human rights aspects through projects and measures that have a direct impact on citizens.

About محمد الفاسي