Moroccan “Siham” from Taounate Who Ousted a Far-Right Candidate in the French Legislative Elections (Video)

In a notable development in the French legislative elections, Siham, a candidate of Moroccan origin from the Kissan community in Taounate province, managed to achieve a surprising victory over her far-right opponent Jean Messiha in the first round of elections.

Siham, running as part of the Left Front alliance, garnered 19.26% of the votes in the “Hauts-de-Seine” constituency near Paris. In contrast, Messiha, belonging to Eric Zemmour’s far-right party, failed to surpass the 3.5% threshold despite his media fame and frequent appearances on French news channels.

It’s worth noting that Messiha, of Egyptian descent, is known for his anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric, but this discourse did not help him gain voters’ trust.

With this result, the path seems paved for Siham to win a seat in the French Parliament during the runoff scheduled for next Sunday.

This victory is considered a painful blow to the far-right in France and reflects a shift in French voters’ tendencies towards more moderate currents.

Source: Tweet by Moroccan Gulf media personality “Mohamed Wamousi”
From: Fez News website

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