The National Fund for Social Reserve Organizations faces financial challenges and seeks to reform the compulsory sickness insurance system

The National Fund for Social Reserve Organisations (CNOPS) has recorded a financial deficit of 1.28 billion dirhams in 2023, raising concerns about the sustainability of Morocco’s compulsory public sector sickness insurance system.

The accumulated deficit over the past three years has depleted the fund’s financial reserves, using 1.6 billion dirhams to meet its obligations to insurers and health service providers. It is feared that these reserves will be depleted by 2027 if the situation continues.

Among the main factors that led to this situation:

Rising costs of medicines and medical supplies.

An increase in the number of people with chronic and costly diseases.

The ageing of the insured population, with the percentage of retirees rising from 20.8 per cent in 2006 to 38.4 per cent in 2023.

To face these challenges, the Fund’s Administrative Council approved urgent measures to preserve the viability of the compulsory sickness insurance system and restore its financial balance.

The Board also discussed a draft law on the merger of compulsory sickness insurance schemes, which sparked controversy because the Fund and the mutuals were not consulted on it.

As part of efforts to improve the situation, a new information programme called CNOPS360 was developed to track the consumption of insureds and treatment providers and combat fraud.

Despite the challenges, the Fund has made some positive achievements, with the external inspector certifying the accounts of the compulsory sickness insurance system without any reservations.

In 2023, the number of beneficiaries of the Fund’s services reached 3,111,030 people, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year. Contributions and performances also increased by significant percentages.

The Fund and the cooperatives continue their efforts in the “Royal Workshop” to universalise compulsory sickness insurance, with a focus on ensuring the sustainability of the system and protecting the rights of the insured.

From the website: Fez News

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