Tetouan Municipality Tightens Regulations on Wedding and Event Halls

Tetouan – The Tetouan Municipality has issued a new circular aimed at regulating the operation of wedding and event halls in the city, emphasizing the need to comply with laws and instructions issued in this regard.

The municipality sent a reminder to all owners of wedding and event halls, stressing the importance of adhering to Article 100 of the territorial communities regulation, which governs the operation of establishments that are harmful to health, noisy, and dangerous. It also emphasized the need to comply with the provincial governor’s instructions regarding the regulation of loudspeaker use at night, both inside and outside the halls.

The municipality set strict schedules for the use of loudspeakers, which must cease from 1:00 AM between March 22 and September 23, and from midnight between September 24 and March 21. It also strictly prohibited the use of firecrackers inside or outside wedding and event halls.

Hall owners were called upon to implement necessary health and preventive conditions, as well as take precautions to avoid obstructing traffic in city streets and disturbing the neighborhood by using noise-generating equipment outside the halls.

The municipality has made it mandatory for all event hall managers to sign an agreement between the hall owner and the service beneficiary. The latter must commit to respecting these conditions and complying with applicable laws. The municipality warned that any violation of these provisions would subject the hall owner to the stipulated legal sanctions.

These measures come as part of the municipality’s efforts to organize the wedding and event hall sector, ensuring a balance between citizens’ right to celebrate and neighbors’ right to rest and tranquility.

About محمد الفاسي