Surprise Before French Legislative Elections: French Citizen Announces Intention to Vote for His Majesty King Mohammed VI

In an unprecedented development just days before the first round of the French legislative elections, a French citizen has caused a stir on social media by announcing his intention to write the name of the King of Morocco, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, on his ballot paper.

In a video posted online, the man declared that King Mohammed VI is the only figure capable of saving France, asserting that he seeks to achieve the best interests of the French people in this manner. He added that he is aware this statement will shock and may cost him some followers, concluding his speech with the phrase “Dima Maghrib” (Long live Morocco).

This surprising stance comes at a time when the French political scene is experiencing significant turbulence, with crucial stakes for the country’s future. This symbolic choice reflects a state of distrust towards current candidates and a search for radical solutions.

The video has sparked strong reactions on social media platforms, indicating the polarization and tension prevailing in the French political landscape ahead of the anticipated elections.

This shocking declaration highlights the complex political climate in France and raises questions about voter satisfaction with traditional candidates. It also underscores the unconventional methods some citizens are considering to express their political frustrations.

About محمد الفاسي