Serious Traffic Accident Between Royal Gendarmerie Vehicle and Private Car in Meknes

A horrific traffic accident occurred on Friday in the Meknes province of Morocco, where a vehicle belonging to the Royal Gendarmerie collided with a private car. According to a source who informed the news site “Le Site Info,” the driver of the private car was driving at a reckless speed, which led to the accident.

The source added that the accident resulted in significant material damage to both vehicles. Several members of the Royal Gendarmerie were injured, with varying degrees of severity, and were rushed to the hospital to receive necessary treatment.

In the wake of this accident, the competent authorities have initiated an investigation under the supervision of the relevant public prosecutor’s office. The aim is to determine the exact circumstances of this tragic incident and to establish responsibilities.

It’s worth noting that traffic accidents are a major concern in Morocco, with authorities striving to reduce this phenomenon through tightened security measures and traffic awareness campaigns.

As of now, no further details have been disclosed about the condition of the injured or the identity of the private car driver, pending the outcome of the ongoing investigations.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and adherence to traffic laws to prevent such tragic occurrences.

About محمد الفاسي