عبد المجيد تبون

on the military regime’s criminality against the Algerian people

Opinion Article – In fact, the military regime has not only criminalized the Algerian people; it has criminalized all the peoples of the Maghreb. Because it remained faithful to the policy of French Algeria, it sought to disrupt the Arab Maghreb Union (let’s call it the Maghreb Union or the Union of North African Countries; they are all names for the same thing) so that neither the unity of peoples nor the unity of states could be established. The current state of the Arab Maghreb Union is a testament to the destructive role that Algeria has played, and continues to play, against the interests of the Maghreb peoples.

Had Algeria not adopted the colonialist policy, the five North African countries – with their natural resources, economic, social and geopolitical complementarities – could have built a political and economic unity that would have been stronger than other African blocs, and perhaps even rivaled the Gulf Cooperation Council due to their human resources and strategic location. But the Algerian regime’s stupidity, its dependence on the colonizer and its sense of inferiority to Morocco (remember Ahmed Benbella’s cry: “Hakrouna, my brothers, Hakrouna”), made it work to divide, believing that this would make it easier for it to lead North Africa, and indeed Africa as a whole. With this clumsy approach, he failed all promising plans and obstructed all signs and possibilities for the joint construction of the Maghreb entity.

We only mention this matter to illustrate the extent of the Algerian regime’s futility; otherwise, the subject is understood and known; it has been studied and analyzed by politicians and experts. This reminder was only to make it an entry point to talk about the criminal act committed by the regime against Algeria and its people.

We will not return to the extreme poverty of the Algerian people (we have written more than one article on this subject), despite the fact that the land of his country abounds with enormous natural resources; nor will we talk about the fatal isolation that Algeria has become due to the stupidity of its regime, its diplomacy, its elites, its media and everyone in its orbit; but we will limit ourselves to drawing a portrait of them and the citizens whom the regime and its media have succeeded in deterring and domesticating them with lies, empty slogans and fake news… They have become wandering beings who do not know what they are saying and do not realize their psychological and social misery, intellectual poverty, and moral decay.

This portrait is not fictional; it is inspired by the official and unofficial Algerian media, including social media. The image presented by this media – whether to private individuals, i.e. officials (President of the Republic, ministers, governors…), politicians (party heads, elected officials…), elites (doctors, analysts, media professionals…), or ordinary Algerians – elicits either pity or hysterical laughter from the recipient.

We understand that most Moroccan activists on social media want Tebboune to win a second term; they find in his media appearances a variety of topics suitable for laughing at him and the military regime. Therefore, they are afraid of losing this inspiring source of ridicule, which is triggered either by his blatant lies, acrobatic movements, or his words that have “neither sass nor ras”…

In a country whose president is like this, how will the rest of the officials and the people’s dependents fare? Certainly, they will either be like their president or exceed him in terms of stupidity, ignorance, and so on, because the socialization provided by the military regime can only produce ignorance, stupidity, and subservience, regardless of an Algerian’s educational level (according to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, 90% of Algerians are illiterate), social status, or occupation. It is not surprising, then, that the statements of ministers and governors, the speeches of politicians, and the analysis of media professionals resemble or are the very definition of delirium. If space permitted, we could cite many examples from the Algerian media itself.

It is worth noting that this media reflects this reality in its style and content without realizing that it exposes the shame of the system and exposes the psychological fragility of the Algerian, whether private or public. The portrait we are talking about, which we have drawn from the Algerian media, is characterized by the predominance of negative qualities such as aggression, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, or, as Bouteflika said, arrogance, ignorance, lies, anger, malice, bad manners, and so on.

We do not want to generalize this model to all Algerians, but rather to the people who present this image of themselves, whether through their behavior, the topics they discuss, or the way they approach these topics. The rhetoric used and the manner in which they speak to the addressee or opponent (the direct recipient), whether the latter is an individual or a group, gives a picture of the speaker, his morals, his cultural level, etc., which is generally shallow.

It is noticeable that the Algerians represented in our portrait suffer from several complexes. Some suffer from an identity complex, some from a history complex, some from an origin complex, some from all of these complexes and others from all of them combined. We recently discovered, with the Nahdet Berkane shirt, that Algeria suffers from a sovereignty complex. At the top of these complexes is an inferiority complex or inferiority complex towards the Western neighbor.

This inferiority complex often expresses itself through arrogance, snobbery and claims of power (superpower, continental state, strongest country in the region, etc.). But this superpower never stops complaining and has made the conspiracy theory (Algeria is targeted, Algeria is envied…) the scapegoat on which it hangs all its failures. The Algerian, regardless of his position (minister, parliamentarian, political leader, media, ordinary citizen…), finds pleasure and catharsis in playing the role of the victim.

In short, the military regime’s criminality against Algeria and its people is evident in all aspects of life in the country, whether economic, social, cultural, media, human rights, mental health, or otherwise. Unless Algerians realize that the cause of their unhappiness and suffering is not Morocco, as the regime portrays it, but this military regime, which squanders their money on a lost cause, but clings to it and uses it as an excuse to loot more money, leaving the people exposed to thirst, fires, hunger and diseases, their situation will not change, but will only worsen.

By : Mohammed Envy

Source : Fes News Media

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