After the resignation of the hospital director : Human rights organizations warn of the seriousness of the situation at Ibn Baja Hospital in Taza

Following the resignation of the director of the Ibn Baja regional hospital in Taza, Khawla Boukizi, due to the lack of equipment and medical staff, the Moroccan Association for Human Rights – Taza branch – warned of the seriousness of the situation in this hospital institution, especially for the health of pregnant women.

The association explained in a statement that the maternity department at the hospital’s Mother and Child Pole suffers from a severe shortage of gynecologists and obstetricians, which endangers the cases of pregnant women, especially in the presence of urgent cases that require urgent intervention.

This shortage of doctors burdens the midwives and hinders the provision of necessary health care to pregnant women, which can lead to serious complications, the statement noted.

The association held the Regional Director of Health, the Regional Director, and the Minister of Health and Social Protection responsible for this deteriorating situation in the regional hospital, and called on them to intervene urgently to provide a doctor or doctor specialized in obstetrics and gynecology.

The association also declared its solidarity with the midwives and trade union organizations that had previously carried out protests to demand the rectification of the situation.

The association emphasized that the resignation of the new hospital director highlights the depth of the crisis that the hospital is suffering from, and emphasizes the need to reform the health system in general.

Source : Fez News Media

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