Interior Minister launches largest ever ethics campaign for law enforcement officers

Interior Minister Abdelwafi Fetit has given the green light to launch a large-scale ethics campaign involving all men and women of authority, with the aim of promoting integrity and discipline at all levels.

The campaign comes within the framework of the structural reforms that the ministry is seeking to implement to ensure the effective and transparent performance of the administrative apparatus.

The campaign includes the issuance of hundreds of decisions related to suspension, dismissal, discipline, and demotion, as these decisions will affect all men of authority, including commanders, excellent commanders, heads of departments with the rank of Pasha, as well as officers of authority, such as lieutenant colonels and successors of the commander. The details of these decisions will be announced soon.

The campaign included clear instructions to governors and prefects to follow the same strategy among the ranks of authority officers, ensuring that reform policies are effectively implemented in all regions and areas.

These instructions aim to ensure the effective implementation of ethics and discipline policies at all levels, thus enhancing the efficiency and integrity of the administrative apparatus.

According to a source, this step comes within the framework of the Ministry of Interior’s endeavor to achieve the highest levels of transparency and professionalism in the performance of the duties of authority officials, in order to achieve citizens’ satisfaction and confidence in official institutions.

Source : Fes News Media

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