Hassan II Street: 6 billion and question marks about the maintenance and aesthetics of the street?

Fes News investigation

Fez, Morocco – Hassan II Street, one of the most important streets in the city of Fez, is of concern to many residents and users of the city, and as part of an investigation, Fez News pointed out that the services provided by the collective works are inadequate, resulting in the deterioration of its lustre, beauty and attractiveness.

Huge budget and substandard services:

The construction of Hassan II Street in the centre of Fez cost the state budget about 6 billion centimes, but the reality shows a clear lack of basic services, from guarding, to gardening and cleaning, to public lighting and maintenance of irrigation and fire pipes.

Frequent complaints:

Many of the city’s residents talk about the complete absence of guards at times in the street, the poor frequency of gardening and cleaning services, and the frequent extinguishing of public lighting.
The investigation adds that there are many complaints from street users about the slow pace of collective works interventions to address faults, which leads to obstruction of traffic.

Question marks about the theft of irrigation water:

In addition to these issues, according to the sources of the investigation, there are suspicions of the theft of irrigation water that comes from potable sources, which constitutes a waste of public money and a health risk to the health of citizens.

Many residents of Fez and users of Hassan II Street are calling for an urgent intervention by the responsible authorities to investigate these accusations and take the necessary measures to ensure the maintenance of the street and preserve its splendour, beauty and attractiveness, in line with the huge budget that has been allocated for this purpose.

‘Fez News will continue to follow up on this issue and provide updates to the public.

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