Followers of local affairs in Taza denounce the slow pace of repair work on the Koucha-Shaqa road + (photo)

Followers of local affairs in Taza earlier this week denounced the slow pace of repair work on the road linking the Kousha and Shaqqa neighborhoods, which caused a traffic jam and a lack of smooth movement of traffic.

These delays pose a threat to the safety of drivers and pedestrians, especially in the absence of warning signs that alert them to the presence of maintenance work on the road.

The same sources called on the concerned authorities to intervene immediately to address this situation and take quick solutions to speed up the pace of work and ease traffic congestion, while ensuring the safety of road users by placing signs indicating that work is underway.

Mr. Mohamed Al-Tazi commented on the issue of the slowdown in the repair work of the Koucha-Shaqa neighborhood road, in a post on Facebook, saying: “Al-Shafara and Shalahabiya, when God makes them laugh, said that the contractor did not pay the money, that’s ridiculous, 900 meters of the road are running for such a long time, and all the officials are asleep, knowing that this road was built at the time when people went to Ras Al-Ma and Bab Boudir, the taxi does not want to go to you at the expense of this road, we wish they would visit the works, that’s ridiculous, that’s shameful and shameful, and one more information about Bab Boudir festival will be next month 7.”

While Mohamed commented:” “The metro bridge was built overnight,” said Mohamed.

Source : Fez News Media

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