Ifrane Governor Abdelhamid Mouazadeh announces ambitious development projects to boost regional leadership

In a strategic move to strengthen the position of Ifrane region at the national and international levels, Mr. Abdelhamid More, Governor of the region, oversaw a huge package of new-generation tourism, social and economic projects.

These projects aim to bring about a qualitative leap in infrastructure and promote economic and social growth in the region.

Details of the announced projects:

Tourism projects:
Developing modern tourism facilities including new resorts and hotels.
Improving tourism infrastructure such as roads and utilities.
Launching promotional campaigns to enhance the region’s tourist attraction.
Social projects :
Building new health and educational centers to meet the needs of the population.
Establishing new housing projects to provide suitable housing for families.
Improving public transportation services to facilitate the movement of citizens.
Economic projects :
Supporting startups, small and medium-sized enterprises by providing soft loans and technical assistance.
Establishing new industrial zones to provide job opportunities and attract investments.
Strengthening the agricultural sector through training programs and technical support for farmers.
These projects are part of a comprehensive vision for sustainable and comprehensive development that aims to improve the quality of life for the people of Ifrane region and provide a stimulating environment for investment and economic growth, a senior official told Fes News, noting that these projects will be implemented according to a specific timetable taking into account the highest standards of quality and innovation.

The Fes News source expected that these initiatives will contribute significantly to enhancing the status of Ifrane region as a leading tourist and economic center, attracting more tourists and investors, which will boost the local economy and provide new job opportunities for local residents.

Source : Fes news media

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