General Directorate of National Security launches E-Blagh platform dedicated to combating cybercrime (video)

A new platform dubbed ‘E-Blag’, dedicated to the fight against cybercrime, was launched during the fifth edition of the Open Doors Diary of the General Directorate of National Security, organised on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the establishment of this institution.

The platform, developed by executives and experts from the DGSN and the National Surveillance, aims to involve Internet users in the fight against digital crime, said Leila Zouin, Chief Commissioner, Head of the Forensic Evidence and Photography Section of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police of the DGSN, in a statement to MAPA.

Internet users can now report any illegal content published on the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week, whether they are victims of said content or know about it, such as online fraud, sexual exploitation of children, sexual blackmail, terrorism, apologies for terrorism, incitement to discrimination, hatred and violence, threats to commit crimes and others, said Ms. Zouin, in charge of the cybercrime pavilion at the Directorate General of the Judicial Police.

The pavilion aims to educate visitors on the various forms of cybercrime and how to prevent them, through various workshops and informative and awareness-raising publications.

The fifth edition of the joint exhibition of the General Directorate of National Security kicked off Thursday evening in Agadir under the theme ‘National Security: Citizenship and Solidarity’.

This civic initiative, which will run until May 21, aims to inform the public about the efforts made by the DGSN in the field of modernising national security to ensure the safety of persons and property and maintain public order.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي