The moment the 68th anniversary cake was cut … Hammouchi’s love, humility and brotherhood with the guests of excellence + (video)

The General Directorate of National Security celebrated its 68th anniversary on Thursday as part of the “Open Doors Days” held in Agadir under the slogan “National Security: Citizenship, Responsibility and Solidarity”.

The ceremony was presided over by Abdelouafi Lefteit, Minister of Interior, in the presence of Abdellatif Hammouchi, Director General of National Security and National Surveillance, several members of the government, representatives of international organizations such as Interpol and the Council of Arab Interior Ministers, as well as judicial, civil and military figures.

During the ceremony, the 68th anniversary cake was cut in a special moment that expressed the pride of the national security forces in this great achievement.

The celebration included distinctive artistic and cultural performances by musical and folkloric troupes from different parts of Morocco, as well as historical sports and cultural performances.

Source : Fez News Media

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