Road war leaves 34 dead in Morocco in the last week

Thirty-four people were killed and 2,687 others injured, 99 of them seriously, in 1999 traffic accidents in urban areas during the week of 06-12 May, according to the General Directorate of National Security.

These accidents were mainly due to negligence by drivers, failure to give priority, excessive speed, inattention by pedestrians, failure to leave the safety distance, change of direction without using the signal, lack of control of vehicles, unauthorised change of direction, failure to stop, failure to respect the red light, going in the wrong direction, going in the wrong direction, going on the left of the road, wrong overtaking, and drunk driving, the General Directorate of National Security said.

In terms of monitoring and recording traffic offences, the security services issued 42,614 fines and 7,660 official reports that were referred to the public prosecution, while 34,954 fines were collected, the source added.

The General Directorate of National Security pointed out that the amounts collected for these fines amounted to 7 million 676 thousand 725 dirhams, noting that 4445 vehicles were seized, 7660 reports were seized, and 227 vehicles were withdrawn from the road.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي