Spain: Mobile consulate in Granada for Moroccans living abroad

The initiative of the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Almeria to set up a mobile consulate in Granada represents a significant step forward in the approach to consular services. This approach, which is part of a policy of proximity, aims to facilitate access to consular services for the Moroccan community established in the region.

The success of this operation is clear, with some 500 consular services delivered in a single day. This demonstrates not only the effectiveness of this mobile service, but also the importance of such initiatives in meeting the needs of Moroccan citizens living abroad. The possibility of registering in the consular register, withdrawing or requesting personal documents such as biometric passports and electronic national identity cards, is an essential service that contributes to the integration and well-being of the Moroccan diaspora.

In addition, the assistance provided to Unaccompanied Minors in obtaining the necessary documents to regularise their administrative situation is a commendable measure that underlines the consulate’s commitment to supporting the most vulnerable members of the community.

The city of Granada, home to a large Moroccan community, benefits greatly from these adapted consular services. Students, academics, shopkeepers, businessmen and professionals from various economic sectors make up a mosaic of talents and skills that enrich the host society while maintaining close links with their country of origin.

This initiative by the Consulate General is a model of dynamic and responsive public service, which deserves to be highlighted and potentially replicated in other regions with a large Moroccan population. It reflects the Sovereign’s high regard for his citizens abroad and strengthens the bond between Morocco and its diaspora.

About محمد الفاسي