Travel alert: Crowds at Marrakech Airport

The centenary of tourists who are heading to the airport in Marrakech at the moment when an advertisement was published in London connected to tensions in the Moyen-Orient.

Dimanche, c’était la folie à l’aéroport Marrakech Menara. These cents of tourists are responsible for causing the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs to communicate. They are on the internet page for other travelers to pay attention to the cause of the Iranian attack on Israel.

Affluence due to vacances pascales

The Foreign Office has a number of advertisements for dix-huit payments, y compris le Maroc, où il est maintenant déconseillé de voyager. These payments include Algeria, Egypt, the Arab Emirates and Arab Saoud are also on the list.

This is not the case due to the foreign office that the Marrakech airport has a permanent bond. There are also many travel packages due to the large vacations that start this month in Europe. Some people, notified by Ryanair, are here to help you.

About محمد الفاسي