Investigation Launched After Physical Assault with Shotgun in Tiznit

The Judicial Police in Tiznit launched a judicial investigation on Friday, January 10, under the supervision of the public prosecutor’s office, following a physical assault involving a shotgun. The incident occurred after a personal dispute escalated between a man and his neighbor.

According to available sources, a conflict broke out between the 71-year-old suspect and his neighbor, which unexpectedly escalated. In an unanticipated move, the suspect fired a shot from his legally owned hunting rifle, injuring his neighbor with minor wounds to his upper limbs. The injured man was transported to the hospital for necessary treatment and was later discharged after his condition stabilized.

Security forces managed to arrest the suspect shortly after the incident near the scene, in a preemptive action aimed at clarifying the circumstances surrounding the assault. The investigation, overseen by the public prosecutor, aims to identify the causes and motives behind the attack, with the goal of uncovering the full context of the dispute. Ballistic tests are also expected to be conducted on the seized weapon to verify its involvement in the incident.

source : fesnews media

About Mansouri abdelkader