In an intriguing development, a mixed committee arrived today, Monday, January 6, 2025, at Lalla Awda Al-Saadiya Secondary School located in the historic city district of Marrakech to investigate allegations related to immoral conduct. The committee, which includes officials from the regional directorate of national education and the regional academy for education and training in the Marrakech-Safi region, along with social and psychological assistants, was prompted by a complaint circulating regarding a suspicious relationship between two female students residing in the school’s dormitory.
According to reliable sources, the complaint, deemed “malicious,” suggests the existence of a homosexual relationship between the two students. All parties involved were heard, including the school’s principal, and the investigations concluded with a denial of all allegations mentioned in the complaint. It is noteworthy that the complaint was signed by the mother of one of the students without an official signature from the relevant authorities, raising questions about the legality of this student’s residency in the dormitory.
Additionally, a branch of a human rights organization in Marrakech intervened in the case, adding another dimension to the issue and elevating discussions around student rights and the necessity of protecting their privacy.