Press Release
The components of the Front for Defending the Right to Strike met on Wednesday, December 11, 2023, to discuss the latest developments regarding the draft law regulating strikes. In light of the government’s insistence on passing the project without consensus with social, political, and human rights organizations, and after rejecting most of the substantive amendments submitted by the Front’s components in the House of Representatives and insisting on maintaining a set of restrictive contents for the right to strike that conflict with the constitution and international conventions, the Front for Defending the Right to Strike:
1) Salutes the parliamentary groups and non-affiliated parliamentarians who voted against the draft law regulating strikes in the Social Sectors Committee of the House of Representatives. It also commends the militant role played by the trade union movement in confronting this project.
2) Demands that the government review its unilateral approach and its disregard for its parliamentary majority, and calls for the necessity of consensus with all concerned components and parties, given the importance of the draft law regulating strikes and its societal, social, and rights-based nature.
3) Decides to organize a protest stand in front of the Parliament on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 12 noon, and calls on all officials of the organizations forming the Front to attend in large numbers for this warning militant station.
4) Decides to organize a scientific symposium that explores all dimensions of the draft law regulating strikes – legal, rights-based, and social. The date and location will be announced later.