Ecuador Suspends Recognition of polisario Mercenaries – Here is the Official Letter Received and its Translation

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeld, announced in an official letter dated October 21, 2024, her country’s decision to suspend recognition of the (polisario Republic).

The Minister explained in her letter addressed to Ahmed Mohamed Hamidaha, the SADR Ambassador in Quito, that this decision comes within the framework of supporting UN efforts and the participating delegations from the Polisario Front, Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania to reach a peaceful, realistic, lasting, and mutually acceptable solution to the Western Sahara issue.

The Minister confirmed in her letter that this decision aligns with the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-intervention in other states’ internal affairs, indicating that her country will make its sovereign decision regarding the Western Sahara issue in accordance with international law once a solution to the conflict is reached.

This step comes in the context of Security Council Resolution 2602 concerning the Western Sahara issue, where Ecuador confirmed its commitment to supporting UN efforts to reach a final political settlement to this conflict.

Translation of the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry’s letter to the ambassador:

(Quito, October 21, 2024

Mr. Ambassador:

I would like to extend my warmest greetings and convey the wishes of the Ecuadorian people for the well-being of the Sahrawi people.

The Republic of Ecuador, committed to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as non-intervention in the internal affairs of other States, has taken certain decisions within the competence of the Executive Power, related to international policy.

In this context, Ecuador has decided to suspend recognition of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, with the aim of providing full support to the delegations from the Polisario Front, Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania that are participating in the United Nations-sponsored process, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2602 and the significant efforts deployed within this framework to reach a peaceful, realistic, lasting and mutually acceptable solution to the Western Sahara conflict.

Once a solution to the Western Sahara issue is reached, the Republic of Ecuador will make the appropriate sovereign decision, in accordance with International Law.

I take this opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of my highest consideration. Best regards,)

Source: Fes News

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