Algerian Representative Expelled from UN Fourth Committee Meetings After Anti-Morocco Speech

The meetings of the United Nations Fourth Committee witnessed a notable diplomatic incident, as Nouria Hafsi, the president of the National Union of Algerian Women, was expelled from the hall after delivering a speech described as hostile and inciting against the Kingdom of Morocco.

Hafsi’s address included inappropriate comments about Morocco, which attendees considered unbecoming and more akin to social media rhetoric than discourse suitable for international diplomatic forums.

In response, Moroccan diplomat Majda El Mutcho, representing the Kingdom of Morocco’s delegation, intervened by requesting to speak. She demanded that Hafsi be stopped from continuing her anti-Morocco speech and called for her expulsion from the hall due to her breach of diplomatic decorum.

Following this request, UN security personnel intervened and escorted Hafsi out of the meeting hall, a move that reflected the serious handling of inflammatory speeches in international forums.

This incident once again highlights the existing tensions between Morocco and Algeria, emphasizing the importance of adhering to diplomatic norms and mutual respect in international venues.

About محمد الفاسي