Moroccan Association Denounces European Court’s Decision on Agriculture and Fisheries Agreements

In a statement issued on Saturday, October 5, 2024, the Association for Initiatives to Consolidate the Foundations of the Social State expressed its strong condemnation of the European Court of Justice’s decision issued on Friday, October 4, 2024, regarding the agriculture and fisheries agreements signed between the Kingdom of Morocco and the European Union in 2019.

The association emphasized several key points in its statement:

  1. The association strongly rejected the decision, affirming that Morocco’s sovereignty over its southern provinces is a historically and legally settled matter that is not subject to any bargaining. It quoted the Moroccan monarch’s statement: “Morocco is in its Sahara, and the Sahara is in its Morocco until Allah inherits the earth and whoever is on it.”
  2. The association expressed its full support for the position of the Moroccan government, which declared that Morocco is not concerned with this decision. It also criticized what it considered unjustified interference by the European Court in a sovereign issue concerning Morocco’s territorial integrity.
  3. The association confirmed its support for all political and diplomatic measures that the Kingdom of Morocco may take in response to this decision. It considered this intervention as unacceptable political blackmail in an issue managed within the framework of the United Nations.

The association emphasized that the Moroccan proposal for autonomy in the Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty enjoys broad international support, including from countries within the European Union itself.

This statement comes in the context of ongoing reactions to the European Court’s decision, which has sparked widespread controversy in political and diplomatic circles, amid questions about its impact on relations between Morocco and the European Union.

About محمد الفاسي