Moroccan Young Woman Rescued from Detention and Assault in Istanbul

Media sources have revealed that a Moroccan woman in her twenties was subjected to a horrific incident of detention and assault in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul, Turkey.

According to available details, the victim arrived in Turkey for tourism purposes after communicating with an individual via social media who claimed to own an apartment for rent. However, the situation took a dangerous turn when the suspect, also of Moroccan nationality, took her to his private residence instead of the agreed-upon apartment.

Sources reported that the victim was forcibly detained for four days, during which she was subjected to various forms of physical violence and sexual assault. Her ordeal was further exacerbated by the aggressor’s threats to prevent her from returning to her homeland if she made any noise to attract attention.

The young woman eventually managed to send a distress call to a group of Moroccans through social media platforms, leading to swift intervention by Turkish authorities. The operation resulted in the rescue of the victim and the arrest of the suspect, who denied all charges against him.

Relevant authorities have opened a comprehensive investigation to uncover all circumstances of the incident, while the victim has received necessary care.

It is worth noting that this incident once again highlights the dangers of communicating with strangers online and the importance of exercising caution when traveling abroad, especially for young people.

About محمد الفاسي