Bank Al-Maghrib Sets Cap on Electronic Payment Fees to Protect Consumers

Rabat, September 29, 2024 – In a move aimed at protecting consumers and developing the electronic payment system in the Kingdom, Bank Al-Maghrib announced today a new decision that sets strict limits on local electronic money transfer fees.

According to the new decision, which will come into effect from October 1, 2024, the ceiling for payment commission via bank cards has been set at only 0.65% of the transaction value. The central bank confirmed that this commission will be borne by merchants, meaning that consumers will not incur any additional costs when using their bank cards for payment.

Bank Al-Maghrib emphasized in its statement that this measure aims to prevent merchants from imposing any additional fees on customers when paying with bank cards, affirming that the prices of goods and services will not be affected by this decision.

The statement explained that the main goal of this step is to protect credit institution customers and enhance confidence in the electronic payment market. It also indicated that this decision is considered a strong blow against the manipulation of payment fees that some merchants used to practice.

It should be noted that this decision does not include ATM withdrawal operations nor payments using international cards, as these operations will remain subject to previous regulations.

This decision is expected to contribute to encouraging the use of electronic payment methods in Morocco, which will enhance financial inclusion and support the Kingdom’s efforts in transitioning towards a digital economy.

About محمد الفاسي