Morocco Showcases Its Tourism Potential at Major Travel Exhibition in Japan

The exhibition gathers a select group of professionals in the tourism industry, including travel agencies, global tourist destinations, and companies operating in the sector.

It attracts over 1,265 exhibitors from more than 80 countries, providing a unique platform to enhance visibility in the growing East Asian market.

In its first participation in this exhibition, the Moroccan National Tourism Office (ONMT) has sent a high-level delegation comprising various tourism stakeholders tasked with promoting Morocco’s rich tourism resources through a 92-square-meter pavilion.

The exhibition is expected to draw over 150,000 visitors, including 15,000 industry professionals, giving the ONMT the opportunity to highlight Morocco as a promising destination in the Japanese market.

Throughout the four days of the exhibition, numerous meetings and discussions will take place with key players in the Japanese tourism sector, including the travel organization group S.I.H, which has a strong presence in 60 countries, including Morocco, where it opened a branch in 2016.

Moroccan officials from the ONMT and local professionals plan to engage with representatives from the most influential travel and tour companies in Japan and worldwide.

In this context, the ONMT will focus on the digital aspect, considering Japanese tourists’ preference for booking their trips through digital platforms.

source : fesnews media

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