Abdelilah Benkirane: Israeli Violence Will Not Lead to a Solution, and the Islamic Nation Will Remain Alive

In a strongly worded speech, Abdelilah Benkirane, Secretary-General of the Justice and Development Party, harshly criticized the ongoing Israeli attacks on Palestinians and Lebanon, describing these attacks as having “exceeded all values and principles.” He affirmed that violence and force will not lead Israel to the solution it seeks.

Benkirane noted that the Islamic nation, which is nearing a population of two billion, will not be broken by these attacks.

He stated that no matter how capable Israel is of killing individuals and harming peoples, the Arab and Islamic nations possess the ability to endure and rise again.

Benkirane emphasized that resistance, whether in Palestine or from Hezbollah in Lebanon, continues despite the blows it faces.

He clarified that Hezbollah, despite some positions he does not agree with, remains part of the Islamic nation and has a role in supporting the Palestinians.

In conclusion, Benkirane stressed the necessity of finding a political solution to the Palestinian issue, stating that the continuation of violence will ultimately lead to Israel’s demise.

Source: Fes News

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