Residents of Sinai Street in Monfleuri 2 Suffer from Sewage Overflow for a Year

Fez – Fez News

Exclusive information obtained by “Fez News” has revealed ongoing suffering of residents on Sinai Street in the Monfleuri 2 area of Fez, due to continuous overflow from one of the sewage valleys onto the main street. According to local sources, this problem has persisted for nearly a full year, despite repeated attempts by residents to draw the attention of relevant authorities.

The overflow site is located near the Slaoui Pharmacy and the Basatin and Amine residences, making the affected area highly populated. Residents have reported that wastewater continuously flows into the main street, posing a serious health threat, especially to vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and women.

A source from the residents confirmed to “Fez News” that the locals have been in constant communication with officials at the Community Agency delegated to manage the sanitation facility. They have also sent several correspondences to community officials in Fez. However, these efforts have not yielded any tangible results so far, as the problem has persisted for a year.

The area’s residents are demanding urgent intervention to address this issue and alleviate their suffering. They have emphasized the need to quickly find a radical solution to prevent sewage water from flowing into the main street, given the severe health damages it causes, especially to the most vulnerable groups in the community.

It’s worth noting that “Fez News” has received from the residents a set of photos documenting the extent of the problem, as well as copies of complaints that have been filed with the concerned authorities in this regard.

“Fez News” will continue to follow up on this issue and will update its readers with any new developments regarding the local authorities’ response to this urgent problem.

Source: Fez News website

About محمد الفاسي