Algerian Facebook Pages Exploit Migration Calls to Destabilize Morocco

In a striking development, informed sources have revealed that Algerian Facebook pages are exploiting calls for mass migration across the “Tarajal” border in occupied Ceuta to incite discord and threaten stability in the region. These pages, believed to be close to the Algerian military regime, have been sharing old videos of previous infiltration attempts and presenting them as current events in an effort to mislead public opinion.

In an exclusive statement, an official from the Moroccan local authority emphasized the need to deal cautiously with these suspicious calls, indicating that parties hostile to Morocco are seeking to exploit them to create a state of chaos. He added that Moroccan security forces have not detected any actual infiltration attempts into occupied Ceuta.

The city of Fnideq and its surroundings have been in a state of security alert over the past four days, in anticipation of any potential influx of migrants. Moroccan authorities have reinforced their security presence in the area to ensure safety and stability.

In a related context, Abdelmadjid El Arabi, a researcher specializing in the Moroccan Sahara issue, told the media: “Algeria is facing internal political and social challenges and is trying to exploit these calls to divert attention from its internal problems.” He pointed out that internal tensions in Algeria, resulting from the deteriorating economic situation and criticisms directed at the ruling regime, are pushing it to use these tactics.

Local authorities have called on citizens to exercise caution and not be drawn into these suspicious calls, affirming that they will deal firmly with any attempts to destabilize the situation and will work in coordination with judicial authorities to apply the law.

This development comes amid ongoing political tensions between Morocco and Algeria, where some parties seek to exploit border issues to achieve political goals. Moroccan authorities remain in a state of constant vigilance, emphasizing the importance of awareness and caution in dealing with such calls aimed at creating chaos and threatening security and stability in the region.

About محمد الفاسي