Top Headlines of Moroccan Weekly Press on September 14, 2024

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, the Moroccan weekly press covered a variety of current topics, ranging from environmental challenges to political and social issues.

Water Crisis and Natural Disasters

The issue of water scarcity remains at the heart of national concerns. Telquel highlights the government’s efforts to address this crisis, emphasizing the importance given to this subject by King Mohammed VI in his throne speech.

Meanwhile, Le Canard Libéré examines the recent torrential rains in the southeast of the country. These storms, while bringing precious water to a region affected by drought, also revealed the vulnerability of these areas, reminiscent of the aftermath of the 2023 Al Haouz earthquake.

Regional and International Politics

Maroc Hebdo offers a critical analysis of the presidential elections in Algeria, using the term “Kakistan republic” to describe the political situation in the neighboring country. The article highlights the practices of the ruling military junta, drawing a parallel with Russian “Potemkin villages”.

Social and Economic Issues

Finances News alerts to the growing phenomenon of trading influencers on Instagram, dubbed “Instagram wolves”. This investigation follows a previous one on online gambling addiction, highlighting the risks associated with these new digital trends.

On a more positive note, La Vie Eco reports on progress in negotiations on the right to strike. Minister Younes Sekkouri announced that the government has accepted the proposals of social partners regarding the draft organic law on the exercise of the right to strike, marking significant progress in social dialogue.

These headlines reflect the diverse concerns of Moroccan society, ranging from environmental challenges to issues of domestic and foreign policy, as well as contemporary socio-economic issues.

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