Weather Forecast for Tuesday: Hot Weather and Foggy Patches in Some Areas

According to the daily report from the General Directorate of Meteorology, the weather for Tuesday will be varied across different regions of Morocco.

As predicted, coastal areas will experience local fog during the morning and evening hours. Tadla, the southeastern regions, and the interior of the Sahara will experience hot weather.

The report indicated that the eastern slopes of the High and Middle Atlas, along with the southeastern region, will have partly cloudy skies with a chance of scattered showers and local thunderstorms. The sky will be partly cloudy to clear in the Anti-Atlas region and the interior of the Sahara.

The Directorate warned of relatively strong winds in some areas, especially in the central and southern plains, the Atlas, and the eastern region, accompanied by blowing dust.

Regarding temperatures, the minimum temperatures will range between 27 and 30 degrees Celsius in the plains west of the Atlas, the Moulouya plains, the southeast, the interior of Souss, and the eastern part of the Sahara. In the rest of the kingdom, they will range between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. The directorate indicated that maximum temperatures will decrease.

As for sea conditions, it will be calm to slightly rough in the Mediterranean and the Strait of Gibraltar, and slightly rough north of Larache, while it will range between slightly rough to rough in the southern regions.

The General Directorate of Meteorology calls on citizens to take the necessary precautions and stay informed about the latest weather updates, especially in areas that may experience weather fluctuations.

Source: Fes News

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