Friday Newspaper Headlines in Morocco: Reopening of Beaches, Tourism Crisis, and Final Judgments in the Medical Equipment Mafia Case in Taza

In a surprising turn of events, the provincial authorities in Larache have decided to reopen Sidi Abderrahim beach to the public, responding to a series of protests organized by civil society and human rights groups. Security barriers have been removed from the entrance to the beach, which had previously been closed due to being considered unguarded.

In a judicial context, the Appellate Financial Crimes Chamber in Fes has issued its final rulings in a case involving manipulation and brokerage of medical equipment. Some defendants received harsher sentences, while others had their original sentences upheld. Penalties included prison terms ranging from three months to four years, in addition to financial fines.

On the economic front, poultry prices have seen a notable increase, with the price per kilogram exceeding 28 dirhams, causing discontent among citizens who rely on it as an alternative to expensive red meat.

In the realm of environment and resources, the Fes-Meknes region is suffering from a severe water crisis due to rising temperatures, prompting many residents to protest the lack of water in their areas.

In a political development, the president of the Moroccan Association for the Protection of Public Funds called for fair application of the law to all officials, following the Ministry of Interior’s decisions to dismiss several heads of territorial communities.

Finally, Moroccan tourism is facing significant challenges this summer, with a noticeable decrease in the number of tourists in popular coastal cities. This is partly attributed to rising prices and the tendency of many Moroccans to travel abroad for their vacations.

About محمد الفاسي