Weather forecast for Wednesday, July 17, 2024 in Morocco

Rabat: The General Directorate of Meteorology has announced its forecasts for Wednesday, July 17, 2024, which will see hot to very hot weather in some parts of the country, with low clouds and local fog in the morning and at night.

Weather details:

  • Temperature:
    • Hot: In parts of the south, east and southeast of the country, as well as the northern and central inland plains.
    • Rise: In the northern and central plains.
    • Drop: In the rest of the country.
    • Minimum: Between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius in the southeast, and between 17 and 25 degrees Celsius in the rest of the country.
  • Clouds:
    • Low: In the morning and at night, with local fog over the Mediterranean, Atlantic coasts and southern coasts.
    • Light cumulonimbus clouds: With scattered showers in the afternoon over the High and Middle Atlas mountains, the southeast, the east, and the northeast of the southern provinces.
  • Wind:
    • Strong gusts: Over the Atlas Mountains, the Tangier region, the central coasts, the east, the southeast, and the north of the southern provinces.
  • Other weather phenomena:
    • Sandstorms: Occasionally over the Atlas Mountains and the north of the Sahara provinces.
  • Sea weather:
    • Calm to slightly agitated: Over the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait.
    • Slightly agitated to agitated: Along the Atlantic coast.


  • Drink plenty of water: Especially in hot weather.
  • Wear light clothing, a hat and sunglasses: To protect yourself from the sun.
  • Be careful when driving in sandstorms: As they can reduce visibility.
  • Follow the latest weather forecasts: For the latest updates and warnings.

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