National Health Sector Union Coordination Issues Detailed Statement on Government Negotiations

On Sunday, July 14, 2024, the National Health Sector Union Coordination in Morocco issued a detailed statement clarifying the Prime Minister’s responses to the 27 demands included in the agreement signed with the unions. This statement came after a meeting held on Friday, July 12, 2024, with the Minister of Health.

The Union Coordination affirmed the Prime Minister’s responsiveness, indicating that the government has addressed the health workers’ demands file after significant efforts and dozens of meetings. The statement also clarified the government’s position and the Union Coordination’s stance on each demand point.

Key points highlighted in the statement include:

  1. Maintaining the status of public servant for health professionals while granting them all basic guarantees and rights.
  2. Payment of health professionals’ salaries from the state’s general budget.
  3. Preserving the current administrative situations as stipulated in the general statute of public service.
  4. Access to all administrative leaves provided for by law.
  5. Adopting competitive examinations as the primary mechanism for recruiting health professionals.
  6. Expediting the preparation and issuance of the decree related to health professionals’ transfers.
  7. Approval of an increase in fixed salary, with the Union Coordination proposing 1,500 dirhams net for nurses and technicians, and 1,200 dirhams for administrative staff and technicians.
  8. Creating new grades for all categories of health professionals starting from 2025.
  9. Improving promotion conditions for health professionals.
  10. Establishing the National Body or National Bodies for Nurses and Health Technicians.

The Union Coordination emphasized that it will closely monitor and ensure the effective, proper, and swift implementation of all signed agreement clauses. It also indicated that it will send its response regarding the pending points to the Minister of Health within the next few hours to be delivered to the Prime Minister.

About محمد الفاسي