A Review of the Top Newspaper Headlines for Wednesday

We begin our press review with the newspaper “Al Alam,” which reported that intensive campaigns have been launched by the local authorities in Sidi Bennour, involving all its components, from aides and members of the Auxiliary Forces and National Security, to organize street vendors and combat the phenomenon of illegal occupation of public property, which has become a familiar and normal occurrence in this city.

The same newspaper indicated that the municipal council of Sidi Bennour has launched an economic project to build a covered market to accommodate this segment at preferential prices. The project consists of 450 commercial units over an area of 16,500 square meters, with a budget of 1.7 billion centimes, self-funded, to contribute to the urban development of the city, and it is set to be completed within 10 months for operational use.

The newspaper also reported that the number of young people integrated under the national “Awrash” program has reached more than 231,000 young people, 50,000 of whom have benefited from sustainable integration. In this context, the Minister of Economic Integration, Small Business, Employment, and Skills, Younes Sekkouri, stated in the House of Representatives that part of youth integration and income improvement is achieved through self-employment, noting that the regional program “I am an Entrepreneur” was launched a year ago, with its budget determined and all related agreements signed, to be implemented in all regions.

As for the newspaper “Bayane Al Yaoum,” it reported that the topic of “Developing Participatory Policy” was the focus of a regional seminar organized in Guercif, with the participation of representatives from advisory bodies, elected councils, and civil society activities from several provinces in the Oriental region. This seminar was organized by the “Isaf Jerada Solidarity and Development Association,” on the occasion of launching the project “Developing Participatory Policy for Good Governance,” which will be implemented over two years, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy.

The same newspaper mentioned the opening of a digital creativity center in Berkane, established under the National Initiative for Human Development. This center, which was established with a financial cost estimated at 5.3 million dirhams, aimed at facilitating access to programming knowledge, accelerating skill acquisition to keep up with digital transformation, and bringing digital professions closer to young people from vulnerable backgrounds.

“Bayane Al Yaoum” also addressed the start of the second phase of tracking the performance of educational institutions in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, aimed at developing pedagogical approaches in primary education. This process aims to conduct an objective and regular measurement of the development of students’ learning in educational institutions to assess the impact of adopting these various measures, with the aim of developing and improving their implementation conditions.

About محمد الفاسي