Bravo to members of the Civil Defense and all authorities for their efforts during a roof collapse on a sidewalk

The collapse of the roof of a house in the Roussif neighbourhood of the old city on Monday alerted the inhabitants of the area, as the roof of an old house in Darb El Mankher, 19 Deur El Jadad El Qalqaline, collapsed, resulting in the injury of an elderly person with minor injuries.

According to sources at the scene, the incident occurred when the roof of an old two-storey house collapsed, resulting in the injury of an elderly person born in 1955 with minor injuries consisting of scratches, who preferred not to take advantage of the transport service to the hospital and receive the necessary examinations and first aid, given the severity of his injuries.

Civil protection teams, local authorities and security personnel immediately rushed to the scene, securing the area and preventing any further injuries, whether to passers-by or inhabitants of neighbouring houses.

Attendees and residents of the neighbourhood praised the quick and professional intervention of the rescue teams, especially the Civil Protection, which prevented any other possible injuries.

We note through this incident:

The importance of regular maintenance of old houses, especially in light of the fluctuating weather conditions.

The quick response of the rescue teams in Fez, which contributed to minimising the risks of the accident.

The need to raise awareness among residents of old neighbourhoods about the risks of house collapse, especially during the winter season.

The residents and attendees thank and appreciate the efforts of all those who contributed to rescuing the injured and securing the area.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي