The people of Fes Meknes region are concerned about heat stroke and heat stress: The difference between the two and how to prevent and treat them

As temperatures soar during the summer, the risk of heat stroke and heat exhaustion increases. These two conditions are two of the most serious heat-related illnesses, so it’s important to understand the difference between them and how to deal with each.

Heat stress: Symptoms and treatment

Heat stress occurs when the body loses a large amount of fluids and salts as a result of excessive sweating during physical activities or prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Symptoms of heat stress include excessive sweating, thirst, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, cold and clammy skin, and muscle cramps.

To prevent heat stress, it is advisable to drink enough water, wear light and loose clothing, and avoid strenuous physical activities at peak times. If symptoms occur, the person should be moved to a cool, shaded place, given fluids, and rested until the condition improves.

Sunstroke: A medical emergency

Heat stroke is a serious medical condition that requires immediate intervention. Heat stroke occurs when the body fails to regulate its internal temperature, causing the body temperature to rise to dangerous levels (above 40 degrees Celsius). Symptoms of heat stroke include dry and hot skin, nervous system disorders such as confusion, delirium, convulsions, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, severe headache, and nausea.

If heatstroke is suspected, call 911 immediately and take the person to a cool place. Cool the body with cool water or wet towels, and provide first aid until medical personnel arrive.

Difference between heatstroke and heat exhaustion

The main differences between heatstroke and heat exhaustion are the body temperature, which is slightly higher in heat exhaustion and exceeds 40 degrees centigrade in heatstroke. Sweating is excessive in heat stress, while it may stop in heat stroke. Neurological symptoms are more severe in heat stroke and include confusion, loss of consciousness and convulsions, making it an emergency that requires immediate medical intervention.

Tips for prevention

Drink adequate amounts of water: Avoid dehydration by drinking water regularly.

Wear light clothing: Choose loose and light clothing.

Avoid strenuous physical activity: Especially at peak times.

Stay in cool places: Use fans or air conditioners indoors.

Everyone should take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones from the dangers of high temperatures, and be keen to recognise the early symptoms of both heat stress and heat stroke to ensure quick and effective intervention.

From the website: Fez News

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