Allegations of mistreatment of visitors, medical negligence and overcrowding mobilize the Khouribga local prison + (Explanatory statement)

The Khouribga local prison administration has categorically denied the allegations recently circulated on some websites aimed at tarnishing the image of the institution and insulting its staff.

These allegations dealt with “the behavior of some employees who insult and mistreat visitors”, “preventing some of them from bringing food to inmates while allowing others to do so, and even tampering with it”, in addition to “denying inmates access to medical treatment” and “suffering from overcrowding”.

In an explanatory statement issued by the prison administration, it was emphasized that the delivery of the “Eid Gafa” announced by the General Delegation on an exceptional basis “is taking place under normal conditions, as all visitors are treated in accordance with the law.”

The statement explained that “the inspection of the contents of the bag is carried out in accordance with the regulations in force, both with regard to the quality and quantity of food allowed to be brought to inmates, without discrimination between all inmates.”

The prison administration was also keen to categorically deny the allegation of “denying inmates medical treatment”, stressing that “all inmates benefit from medical treatment inside and outside the institution on a regular basis.”

Regarding the “overcrowding” in the prison, the administration explained that “this is due to circumstances beyond its control” and that it “manages the available capacity to ensure appropriate accommodation conditions for inmates.”

Source : Fes News Media

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