Papua New Guinea backs Morocco’s autonomy plan for Sahara at UN

Papua New Guinea has reiterated its support for Morocco’s autonomy initiative as a viable solution to the regional dispute over the Sahara.

Papua New Guinea’s representative, Andrew Dubek, highlighted that more than 100 countries support the plan during the regular session of the UN’s Fourth Committee held from June 10 to 21. Dubek said: “The autonomy plan is a credible and consensus-based basis for achieving a peaceful solution to this artificial dispute,” he said, noting that the plan is consistent with the UN Charter and relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.

Dubek emphasized his country’s support for the UN-led political process, praising the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy Staffan de Mistura. He called on Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the Polisario Front to resume roundtable discussions in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2703, with the aim of reaching a negotiated and mutually acceptable political solution.

Dubek also praised Morocco’s full respect for the ceasefire and its cooperation with the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), and urged other concerned parties to follow suit.

The diplomat also highlighted Morocco’s significant investments in infrastructure, which have improved living conditions in the southern provinces. This development has encouraged many countries and regional organizations to open consulates in Laayoune and Dakhla.

In addition, Dubek commended Morocco’s efforts to promote human rights in the region, while expressing concern about the human rights situation in the Tindouf camps, especially violations affecting women and children. He called on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to authorize registration and a census in these camps in southwestern Algeria.

Bilateral relations between Morocco and Papua New Guinea extend beyond diplomatic support. In 2020, the two countries signed several cooperation agreements during the third Morocco-PNG Forum held in Laayoune.

These agreements aim to strengthen partnerships in various sectors, promote shared prosperity, and unite efforts to achieve common goals. In addition, a memorandum of understanding on diplomatic training was signed to facilitate diplomatic courses for Papua New Guinean diplomats at the Moroccan Academy of Diplomatic Studies (AMED).

Source: Fez News Media

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