Omar Hilale at the UN: His Majesty King Mohammed VI gave instructions to include youth in political and social strategy

During a high-level event organised by the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations and the United Nations Office for the Prevention of Genocide, Omar Hilale, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations, confirmed that His Majesty King Mohammed VI gave his high instructions to put Moroccan youth at the heart of a political and social strategy aimed at protecting them from extremism and hate speech.

Hilal explained that this strategy focuses on providing equal opportunities, quality education, greater access to culture, and quality professional opportunities for young people. These efforts aim to empower Moroccan youth and prevent them from drifting towards extremism out of frustration and anger.

Hilal noted the importance of the Integrated National Youth Strategy (2015-2030) in combating social exclusion, promoting the values of coexistence and combating hate speech, stressing the role of civil society and youth associations in these efforts. He also mentioned the royal message addressed to the 9th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilisations in Fez, which stressed the importance of intergenerational dialogue and the involvement of youth in peacemaking.

From the website: Fez News

About محمد الفاسي