King Mohammed VI sends a letter to Prime Minister Akhannouch – here’s what it says

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, sent a message to Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch regarding the seventh general population and housing census to be carried out at the end of this summer.

Here is the full text of the royal message:

“Praise be to God alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of God, his family and companions

Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Prime Minister

May God protect you and guide you on the path of goodness.

Since we assumed the great trust of the leadership of the nation, we have always paid great attention to the General Population and Housing Census and are keen to organize it on a regular basis.

In view of the many important data and indicators provided by this process, it will make a valuable contribution to the realization of our societal project and our development model based on the principles of political democracy, economic efficiency, human development and social and spatial cohesion.

The periodic organization of this process, every ten years, is a wise choice that enables us to be well prepared to accurately understand the demographic and socio-economic evolution of our country, anticipate the changing needs of our citizens, and prepare appropriate policies accordingly.

Therefore, we have decided, with God’s help and success, to actively engage in it by organizing, at the end of this summer, a new general housing census, the seventh since 1960, which we want to be creative and ambitious.

We want it to be creative in terms of the approach and the technological means that will be mobilized to collect and process information, and we want it to be ambitious by expanding the areas of research to include new topics that receive our utmost attention, such as the structured community project for the universalization of social protection.

Mr. Prime Minister.

You are aware of the strategic importance of this event, which is renewed every ten years, given its objectives, which concern the entire nation, national and international institutions, political, trade union and economic actors, civil society, as well as Moroccan families and all foreign communities residing in Morocco.

We have no doubt that you will spare no effort to facilitate the full success of this major national event, which requires, in addition to the comprehensive mobilization of important human and logistical resources, the close and effective involvement and coordination of all public administrations, public institutions and decentralized services, as well as regional, provincial and local authorities and communities.

In this regard, we call on the Minister of Interior, the High Commissioner for Planning, and all governors and workers to ensure the optimal practical organization of this census, within the specified deadlines and in close coordination with other stakeholders in the field.

In order to make this census a success, we call on our loyal parishioners to cooperate fully and actively participate in this public interest exercise by providing reliable and accurate information. We also call on the High Commission for Planning to start processing and analyzing the data as soon as the data collection is completed, making sure that decision-makers and relevant actors can access and use the results as soon as possible.

This expeditious use of data will enable the rapid identification of emerging trends in order to formulate appropriate public policies and adapt various programs in accordance with the interests of our country and the well-being of our people.

May God bless you, our earthly servant, and facilitate your success and success.

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”

Source : Fes News Media

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