Abdallah Bouwannou accuses the government of failing to fulfill its promises on investment and employment “It only serves its own interests”

The government has failed to fulfill its promises regarding investment and employment, according to Abdallah Bouwannou, head of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) parliamentary group.

Bouwannou pointed out that the official unemployment figures confirm this failure, accusing Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch of reducing taxes on his own companies and those of his relatives, as well as large companies, while raising taxes on small companies and businesses.

Bouwannou said the government has only achieved 2.8 percent of promises to create one million new jobs, with the unemployment rate rising to 13.7 percent, the number of unemployed people exceeding 1.6 million, and 4.3 million people out of education and work.

Bwano emphasizes that these figures show the failure of the prime minister to create jobs, and that the increase in unemployment has reached its highest level since 2000, which he attributes to the accumulation of money, power and conflicts of interest, which triggers the flight of investors.

Bouwannou adds that the results of an opinion poll conducted by an American institution indicate that confidence in the government has fallen from 66% to 33% in two years.

Bouwannou accuses Akhannouch of improving conditions for his own companies at the expense of small businesses, by lowering taxes on large companies and raising them on small businesses, arguing that this shows his personal benefit from government policies.

Bouwano points to exceptional measures that he says serve Akhannouch’s personal interests, such as reducing taxes for companies that have contracted with the state for large sums of money, citing the seawater desalination deal as an example.

Source : Fez News Media

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