We have just received : Accurate intelligence information enables the Fez regional squad to dismantle a cell active in promoting electronic devices used to cheat in exams + (photos)

Based on accurate information provided by the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (GDTS), the members of the Regional Judicial Police Squad in Fez managed, on Monday, June 3, to arrest 18 people suspected of being involved in the possession and trafficking of smuggled electronic devices to be used to cheat in school exams.

The suspects were arrested during simultaneous security operations in the cities of Fez, Meknes, Taza and Tahla, in flagrante delicto, while in possession of electronic equipment suspected of being used to cheat in exams. The seizure and search operations resulted in the seizure of a set of VIP cards, electronic devices for reading these cards, as well as cell phones, wireless microphones, electric cables for charging and sums of money suspected of being the proceeds of this criminal activity.

The suspects were subjected to judicial investigations conducted under the supervision of the competent public prosecution, in order to uncover all the circumstances, circumstances and backgrounds of this case, while investigations are still ongoing in order to arrest other potential participants and contributors in the commission of these criminal acts.

This case is part of the precautionary and preventive efforts made by the various security services to combat the crime of cheating in school exams.

Source : Fez News Media

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