Casablanca/ King Mohammed VI presides over a ministerial council and approves strategic orientations

Casablanca, 1 June 2024: His Majesty King Mohammed VI presided on Saturday, 1 June 2024, corresponding to 23 Dhul Qa’dah 1445 AH, at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, over a ministerial council devoted to the approval of a number of important files.

The Council included a presentation by the Minister of Economy and Finance on the strategic orientations of the State’s contribution policy, where she emphasised the importance of reforming the public enterprises sector in implementation of the Royal Directives, with the aim of reshaping the public portfolio and improving its management. The reform also aims to strengthen the public service and accelerate the preparation of the State Contribution Policy.

This policy is a key pillar of the reform of the public enterprises sector, and will be implemented by the national agency in charge of the strategic management of state contributions. The structure of this policy is based on seven strategic orientations aimed at

Strengthening the public enterprise sector as a strategic lever to enhance national sovereignty in vital areas.

Making this sector an engine for continental and international integration, especially with African countries.

Adopting it as a pillar to promote private investments through partnerships with the private sector.

Establish it as a catalyst for a competitive economy and job creation.

Adopt it as an active player in achieving spatial justice and inclusion.

Adopt it as a responsible steward of resources in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Strengthening its exemplary role in governance and performance.

The Council also approved a draft organisational law amending and supplementing the organisational law on appointment to senior positions. The bill aims to add new organisations to the list of strategic public institutions, including:

The High Atlas Development Agency.

The National Agency for Social Support.

The High Authority for Health.

Territorial Health Groups.

Moroccan Agency for Medicines and Health Products.

Moroccan Agency for Blood and Blood Products.

The draft also includes the deletion of the Higher Institute of the Judiciary from the list, as the director of this institution will be appointed by His Majesty the King, and the addition of the position of ‘President of the General Council for Agricultural Development’ to the list of senior positions in public institutions.

This ministerial council comes within the framework of His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s keenness to strengthen the process of reforms in various fields, including the reform of the sector of public institutions and enterprises, and to activate their role in achieving Morocco’s economic and social development.

From the website: Fez News

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